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VSU-SGMC Nursing Alliance Cooperative Prepares and Recognizes Clinical Nurse Leaders

Posted on: August 30th, 2011

South Georgia Medical Center and the Valdosta State University College of Nursing are pleased to recognize seven SGMC Master’s prepared nurses and 10 members of the VSU College of Nursing faculty with new clinical nurse leader (CNL) credentials.Those SGMC staff members receiving certification are: Debra Baker, RN, MSN, CNL; Georgianne Bauer, RN, MSN, CNL; Felecia Brockington, RN, MSN, CNL; Scott O’Quinn, RN, MSN, CNL; Debbie Sauls, RN, MSN, CNL; Cindy Vardeman, RN, MSN, CNL; and Judy Warren, RN, MSN, CNL. These nurses will work with other VSU Masters of Nursing students as classroom instructors and clinical preceptors when students are completing clinical training at SGMC. The clinical nurse leader program offered at VSU was developed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing in collaboration with nursing leaders from the practice environment. At VSU, Arlene H. Corbitt, RN, MN, MSM, CNL; Linda G. Floyd, MS, MSN, EdD, RN, CNL; Michelle Gilbert, MSN, RN, CNL; James D. Holland, RRT, RCP, RN, MSN, CNL; James P. Humphrey, MSN, PhD, RN, CNS, CNL; Kynthia James, MSN, RN, CNL; Darlene Pirkle, RNC, MSN, CCE, CLC, CNL; Dr. Maura C. Schlairet, MSN, EdD, RN, CNL; Stephen Shirlock, MSN, MSM, RN, CNL, RRT, RCP, LNHA; Gayle C. Taylor, RNC, MSN, CCE, CNL have completed credentialing requirements are all CNL certified faculty.According to Anita Hufft, PhD, Dean of the VSU College of Nursing, the CNL certification puts evidence-based best practices into action to ensure that patients benefit from the latest innovations in care delivery. Dr. James Humphrey has been appointed the CNL Track Coordinator and will facilitate a Coordinating Council to implement the new venture.“Through this cooperative plan with the VSU College of Nursing, we will provide CNL students with opportunities to integrate coursework into actual patient care projects at SGMC, which will result in improved outcomes for our patients,” explains SGMC Chief Nursing Officer Ken Kiser. “Additionally, we hope to interest more nurses in the CNL program and expand our nurse leader workforce.”SGMC and VSU have a shared commitment to develop the field of nursing and provide tools and education necessary for nurses to succeed in the practice environment. For more information, contact the VSU College of Nursing at 229.333.5959.