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Thomas Receives Recognition for Extraordinary Care

Posted on: July 10th, 2020

South Georgia Medical Center presented Betty Thomas with its inaugural BEE Award which stands for “Being Extraordinary Everyday.” Thomas is a Patient Care Tech on 3W and was nominated for her remarkable care towards a homeless patient.

The nomination read, “We had a patient who was homeless and had no known family that could come see him. During his time he was placed on care and comfort only. His appearance was very disheveled. Betty cleaned him up, shaved him and had his appearance looking great! Unfortunately, he passed away that night but the care she displayed did not go unnoticed. She took time out of her busy schedule to show extraordinary compassion towards this patient.”

Thomas has been with SGMC for 19 years. 

The BEE Award is presented monthly and recognizes staff members who support the role of a nurse, which includes patient care technicians, nursing assistants, and medical assistants. Nomination criteria includes compassion, teamwork, leadership, attitude, and skills and knowledge.