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Stone Creek Ladies Golf Association grants check to SGMC Foundation

Posted on: December 8th, 2014

Members of the Stone Creek Ladies Golf Association with SGMC staff Valdosta, GA- The Stone Creek Ladies Golf Association recently presented a $5,500 check to the South Georgia Medical Center Foundation which benefits SGMC’s Pearlman Cancer Center.  The funds represent the donations of 48 businesses and individuals who were hole sponsors in this year’s annual invitational golf tournament held October 16 at Stone Creek Golf Club.  “We are so grateful for the support of our generous hole sponsors who allow us to donate these funds back into the community in support of breast cancer rehabilitation programs at SGMC” says Gail James, president of the Stone Creek Ladies Golf Association.  The annual tournament coincides with Breast Cancer Awareness Month.              This donation supports the breast cancer rehab portion of SGMC’s Cancer Survivorship program.  Pearlman Cancer Center is committed to assisting patients through all phases of their cancer experience.  “Cancer Rehab is designed to promote and improve the fitness and energy levels of our patients through a supervised exercise program.  This in turn helps restore their sense of wellbeing and independence after treatment,” says Bridgett Young, director of the Pearlman Cancer Center.  The cancer rehab program is a 12 week program focusing on physical restoration of the patient.   Since 2008 the Stone Creek Ladies Golf Association has given annually to the Pearlman Cancer Center in honor of breast cancer.  For more information on the Pearlman Cancer Center at SGMC, please visit www.sgmc.org/services/cancer or call 229.259.4600.