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SGMC Recognizes November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Posted on: November 10th, 2021

High Risk Individuals Encouraged to Get Screened

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in the United States and worldwide, according to the American Association for Cancer Research. With lung cancer being the leading cancer killer for both men and women, South Georgia Medical Center is seeking to increase awareness and encourage early detection.

Approximately 100 patients are diagnosed with lung cancer and treated at SGMC each year. SGMC offers a low-dose CT screening, which is a simple x-ray of the lungs that can detect cancer in its most treatable stages. If caught early lung cancer has a 90 percent survival rate.

“Regular screenings for any type of cancer are important but with lung cancer, we can really help save someone’s life if we catch it in its initial stages,” explained pulmonologist Dr. Greg Beale.

A few risk factors for lung cancer include smoking, secondhand smoking, family history of lung cancer, exposure to radon, exposure to asbestos, tar in the workplace and radiation therapy to the chest. The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking.

Dr. Beale states, “Smoking can damage so many organs in the human body and can immensely increase one’s chances for developing lung cancer. There are two main forms of lung cancer, small cell and non-small cell, however there are other variations of it as well. This is why it’s important if you are a smoker, have been a smoker or fall into one of the risk categories to talk to your doctor about the need to get screened.”

A low-dose CT screening requires a physician’s order. To find a primary care provider, click here.