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SGMC presents check to American Cancer Society for Relay for Life

Posted on: June 17th, 2019

South Georgia Medical Center recently presented a check for $15,264.21 to the American Cancer Society. The money was raised for Valdosta-Lowndes County Relay for Life, which is a community-based fundraising event sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

In order to have raised the amount of money that was collected, Team SGMC conducted various fundraisers, such as holding drawings for gift baskets, scheduling pay-to-wear blue jeans days, bingo tournaments, and other internal departmental challenges. Julie Blodgett, the captain for Team SGMC in Relay for Life, states, “Many thanks to all SGMC employees that contributed to the success of this event by purchasing jean stickers, purchasing t-shirts, buying basket tickets, donating items for bingo, and volunteering their time”.

“We are so appreciative of the continued support from SGMC,” states Jessica Davis, the senior manager of hospital systems with the American Cancer Society. “We would not be able to the work without our donors. We are thankful for our partnership with SGMC and look forward to continue helping cancer patients in the area.”

Out of 45 teams, South Georgia Medical Center is currently in first place in Lowndes County for having the most contributions for the 2019 Relay for Life. With 50 employees contributing their time and effort, Team SGMC also had the highest number of volunteers.