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SGMC Nationally Recognized for Promotion of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation

Posted on: November 11th, 2021

South Georgia Medical Center has earned platinum level recognition for its work and dedication in support of organ, eye and tissue donation and public health, while continuing to serve on the frontlines in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Director of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Scarlett Rivera, Manager of Accreditation/Regulatory Compliance, Quality Improvement Patient Safety Rachel Cox, Chief Medical Officer Brian Dawson, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Tana Macera

Between October 2020 and April 2021, SGMC participated in the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Workplace Partnership for Life (WPFL) Hospital Organ Donation Campaign. The program challenged hospitals and healthcare organizations to partner with their local organ procurement organization, LifeLink of Georgia, to “let life bloom” by educating hospital staff, patients, visitors and surrounding communities about the critical need for organ, eye and tissue donation and by offering the opportunity to register as a donor. 

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Tana Macera, “At SGMC we understand the importance of organ, eye and tissue donation. Organ donors don’t only save the lives of the recipient but also gives meaning and closure for the family of the donor. Organ donors are always needed, even during a pandemic, and we will continue to do everything we can to support organ donation awareness.”

The WPFL program is a national initiative that unites the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HRSA, and the organ donation community with workplaces across the nation in spreading the importance of donation and increasing organ, eye and tissue donor registrations.

SGMC was one of 1,647 organizations to participate in the 2021 campaign that helped to add 27,386 new donors to state registries across the country. The campaign has generated 575,000 registrations since its inception in 2011.