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SGMC Lanier Campus Donates $2,000 to the American Cancer Society

Posted on: May 16th, 2016

The employees at the SGMC Lanier Campus recently contributed $2,000 to the American Cancer Society for the Lanier County Relay for Life.Lanier County’s Relay for Life Fundraising Chair Dennis Webrand, along with American Cancer Society Community Manager Lauren Sandbach, joined with SGMC Lanier Campus employees on Monday, May 9 for a check presentation. The presentation helped to kick-off the National Hospital Week Celebration, themed “Healthcare From the Heart.”According to Jan Myers, SGMC Lanier Campus Administrator, the funds were contributed through “Team Spirit,” a campus-based, employee activities committee over the past several years.  The staff voted on the non-profit organizations that were selected to receive the collected funds. The American Heart Association also received $2,000 to benefit the American Heart Walk which will be held in the fall.“Healthcare workers give from the heart and the pocketbook,” said Myers. “I am proud to be associated with such a caring and generous group of people.”