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SGMC Invites Community to Learn About Groundbreaking Procedure for Chronic Knee Joint Pain

Posted on: August 28th, 2023

In an effort to provide relief and hope to those suffering from chronic knee joint pain due to osteoarthritis, South Georgia Medical Center will hold a free educational session for the public to learn more about a new procedure that revolutionizes the treatment of this condition. The session is scheduled to take place on Thursday, Sept. 14 from 5:30-6:30pm at SGMC’s Ambulatory Care Center located at 2417 N. Patterson Street.  

Osteoarthritis affects millions of people worldwide, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. SGMC specialists Robert Kirtley, MD, interventional physiatry, and Kimberly Mackey, MD, neurosurgery, have developed a minimally invasive solution that has shown remarkable success.  

Event Highlights include:  

  • Expert Insights – Interventional Physiatrist Dr. Robert Kirtley and Neurosurgeon Dr. Kimberly Mackey will be on hand to share their insights into the procedure.  
  • Patient Testimonials – Those who have already undergone the procedure will share their personal stories of triumph over chronic pain. These firsthand accounts will offer attendees a glimpse into the transformative effects of this procedure on individuals’ lives.  
  • Q&A Session – Attendees will have the opportunity to engage directly with the medical experts, asking questions and seeking clarifications to better understand the procedure’s intricacies and potential candidacy.  

“We are thrilled to introduce this new procedure to our community,” said Dr. Kirtley, who will be leading the event. “Chronic knee joint pain can significantly impact a person’s daily life, and our goal is to present an alternative that offers genuine hope and relief to those who feel they are not or have been told they are not a candidate for knee replacement. This event is an opportunity for us to share knowledge, connect with individuals, and collectively take a step towards improving quality of life.” 

The event is open to everyone, including those who suffer from chronic knee joint pain, their families, caregivers, and anyone interested in learning about innovative medical solutions. Attendees are encouraged to register in advance to secure their spots, as seating is limited.  

For more information and to register for the event, please visit sgmc.org/kneepain.