SGMC Mobile Healthcare Services Chief David Bauch, was recently awarded EMS Director of the Year by the Southwest Georgia Region 8 EMS Council.
According to Assistant Chief Ronda Vanek, Chief Bauch is deserving of this award because he is constantly moving the EMS service to the next level by piloting new programs in addition to taking care of day-to-day business.
“SGMC’s Mobile Healthcare Services is a very busy service, responding to approximately 1800 calls per month,” Vanek explained. “However, Chief Bauch never misses an opportunity to involve our team in projects and programs that benefit the communities we serve.”
This past year, SGMC MHCS provided Stop the Bleed training for active-shooter and other emergency situations, to 700 teachers in Lanier, Echols and Lowndes County schools. In bleeding situations, bystanders will always be first on the scene and are needed to step in and stop the flow of blood. This training provided the education and tool kits to do so.
The squad also provided over 200 hours of community service by offering stand-by services at non-profit, athletic and community events.
Chief Bauch oversees a staff of 75 medics and support staff and runs a fleet of 16 ambulances and transport vehicles. He participates in the Southwest Georgia EMS Association, Safe Kids Lowndes County, the Lowndes County Child Fatality Committee and serves on the advisory committees for Wiregrass GA Technical College and North Florida Technical College.
Bauch is a 33 year employee of South Georgia Medical Center.