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SGMC Distributes 10K Masks to Community Partners

Posted on: September 3rd, 2020

South Georgia Medical Center presented the Greater Valdosta United Way with 5,000 reusable cloth masks as part of its 10K Mask Challenge. The hospital’s Foundation launched the fundraising appeal in July, seeking to raise enough funds to purchase 10,000 masks to distribute to community members in need. The Foundation reached its goal in August making the purchase possible.

SGMC will distribute the remaining 5,000 masks to a variety of community organizations and locations who serve those in need. 

“We are pleased to announce that we have reached our goal and are overwhelmed with the response of participation. Over 75 donors, individuals and businesses, stepped up during this short time frame and helped us fill this need with their monetary support. Our community truly knows how to give back,” said Elizabeth Vickers, SGMC Foundation Executive Director.

“We are honored to partner with SGMC to distribute masks out in the community through our partner agencies. We want to keep the spread of COVID down and allow the economy to recover,” said GVUW Chief Executive Officer Michael Smith. “SGMC is a great partner of ours and we are proud of their leadership in keeping South Georgia safe.”

The rate of new positive covid-19 cases in Lowndes County has declined in recent weeks and SGMC believes this can be attributed to the community acting responsibly to prevent the spread. This includes wearing a mask while in public places or when social distancing cannot be maintained. 

Approaching the Labor Day holiday, SGMC encourages everyone to remember the acronym WWW- Wash your hands, Wear your mask, and Watch your distance. 

For more information on the SGMC Foundation or to view a list of donors, visit sgmcfoundation.org.

Businesses & Organizations

  • Ambling Property Investments
  • Blanton & Griffin
  • Boruff Electric
  • Bush Wealth Management 
  • Chancy Drugs
  • Church’s Chicken
  • Dove Barbershop
  • The Herndon Company
  • Hospice of South GA
  • Langdale Ford
  • NAPA Auto Parts
  • Ne-Ro Tire
  • SGMC Care Share
  • SGMC Employee Giving
  • Spyderserve Corp.
  • Steel’s Jewelry
  • Sunrise Irrigation & Landscaping
  • Synovus
  • Partnership Cancer Fund
  • Taylor Insurance Services
  • Valdosta Insurance
  • Young Adult Class
  • Zaxby’s Valdosta


  • Nicole Alaee
  • Johnny Ball
  • David Bauch
  • Dr. Charlene Blache
  • Diane Clark
  • Dr. Alex Culbreth
  • Rob Dazey
  • Johnny Dukes, CPA
  • Charles & Jennie Eidson
  • Kitty Fricks
  • Suzan Garnett
  • William & Laurel Gerlach
  • DJ Gregory
  • Benita Hall
  • Dina Hastings
  • John Halter
  • Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hobby
  • Audie & Sandra Jones
  • Evelyn Langdale
  • Dr. Dennis &
  • Dr. Patricia Marks
  • Cindy Martin
  • Sandra Mcconnehead
  • RayMcCully
  • Jean McRae
  • Shemika Moss, BSN, RN
  • Marilyn Orr
  • Terry Peacock
  • Noel Rhodes
  • Kyle & Gina Rowe
  • Michael Spence
  • Dr. Maurice Solis
  • & Mrs. Lee Johnson
  • Wanda Strickland
  • Roy Taylor
  • Chelsea Tomlinson
  • Sylvia Uddyback
  • Elizabeth Vickers
  • Jim Zacharias