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SGMC Auxilians Recognized for Service

Posted on: October 3rd, 2019
Barbara Thomas, Evelyn Harrell, Emerita Rodriguez, Doris Welch, Dot Chambers, Ora Morrison, and Jan Newton are inducted into their new roles on the SGMC Volunteer Auxiliary. 

The South Georgia Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary hosted its 2019 Annual Installation and Pinning Luncheon on Friday, September 27 at the hospital. Auxiliary President Jan Newton and Patient Relations & Volunteer Services Interim Director Dana Massingill presented service award pins to the following for hours of volunteer service: Debbie Dowling received her 500 hour pin; Kathy Folsom 700 hours; Dot Chambers 900 hours; Lee Cornelius 2000 hours; Jane Moore 2500 hours and Barbara Thomas 8000 hours.

Officers for the 2019-2021  term were also installed. They are: Jan Newton, president; Ora Morrison, president elect; Dot Chambers, VP/programs; Evelyn Harrell, treasurer; Doris Welch, recording secretary; Emerita Rodriguez, corresponding secretary; and Barbara Thomas, parliamentarian.

According to Johnny Ball, assistant administrator for communications and public affairs, the SGMC Volunteer Auxiliary has been an integral part of the hospital organization since its establishment in 1956.

“Auxiliary membership has served the needs of our patients and families selflessly throughout the years,” he said. “We are always amazed at what this incredible group of volunteers accomplishes on behalf of our patients, staff, organization and our community.”

Pink Ladies and Red Coats volunteer time in many areas of the hospital to include the Golden Galleria Gift Shop, information desk, cancer center, heart center and more. In addition to being service ambassadors, they conduct annual fundraisers that benefit scholarships and programs and services at SGMC.

For more information on the SGMC Volunteer Auxiliary, go to www.sgmc.org or contact Dana Massingill at 229-259-4415. Volunteers are needed and always welcome.