On Aug. 1, South Georgia Partnership for Health presented a check for $53,000 to South Georgia Medical Center’s Foundation. The funds will continue to support a Partnership Cancer Fund, but will now be operated under the Foundation Board of Trustees. The purpose and mission for the fund remains the same, to provide financial assistance to cancer patients who are in need of cancer treatment medically related expenses. Recipients must be residents of Lowndes County or currently under treatment by a Lowndes County provider. “This transfer is a wonderful way to expand donor opportunities to directly enhance patient care in our community and at our health system,” said SGMC Foundation Executive Director Elizabeth Vickers. Established in 2004, Partnership Cancer Fund has awarded over $600,000 to aid cancer patients. The Partnership Cancer Fund committee is comprised on community members who will continue to volunteer their time through various fundraising events. To make a donation or for more information, visit www.sgmc.org/partnershipcancerfund.