Our Main Campus is Expanding: Review Wayfinding Updates Before Your Visit
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Preparing for Your EGD

Please do not eat or drink anything after midnight before your test. Be sure to drink plenty of 
fluids before midnight; this will help to keep you from getting dehydrated, which will help to 
minimize headaches and make it easier for your health care provider to insert an intravenous 
needle for your sedation medication.

Day of Procedure

  • Since you are given sedative medications, you will not be allowed to drive the day of your procedure.
  • You must have a designated driver.
  • Please be sure to bring your medication bottles with you, including over the counter medicines, so the nurse can verify the medications that you take.
  • Only one visitor is permitted per patient, and children under the age of 12 will be required to remain in the first floor lobby. You may have a cell phone, but please refrain from cell phone use in the lab. There are designated areas for cell phone use.
  • When you arrive, you will register in our Outpatient Center on the first floor and be prepared for your procedure in the Observation area in the Endoscopy Lab, where your history and physical will be obtained and documented.
  • Please let the staff know of any concerns or significant health issues, as we want to assure your safety. If ordered, lab work will be drawn.
  • The procedure itself takes approximately 20-40 minutes, and is performed in a separate procedure room in the Lab. Please know that your privacy and comfort is of utmost importance, and staff is focused on providing privacy and dignity; please let your health care provider know of any questions or concerns you have.

After Your Procedure

After the test you will be observed and monitored by a qualified individual in the endoscopy or a recovery area until a significant portion of the medication has worn off, which is generally about 30 minutes, although it may be longer depending on your response to the medication. 

Occasionally you may have a mild sore throat, which promptly responds to saline gargles. You may also have a feeling of bloating from the air that was used during the procedure. Both problems are mild and will go away. 

When you are discharged, you may engage in limited activities for the rest of the day. For your safety, you are restricted from returning to work, driving, operating any hazardous machinery or consuming alcohol until the next day. You should expect to resume all normal activities the following morning.