While the medical community is constantly learning new ways to fight cancer, there are some proven methods to reduce the risk of developing the disease.
Some people think that trying to prevent cancer is like driving down a dead-end street – there’s no way out. In fact, some cancer cases could be prevented if people applied everything known today about cancer prevention to their lives.
Cancer Screenings
Screenings can help detect certain cancers early and thus improve chances of survival. Community Health Promotions, Women’s Imaging Center and Endoscopy offer screening tools such as:
- Digital Mammography
- Breast MRI
- Breast Biopsy
- Colonoscopy
South Health District’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Program provides screenings for women aged 40-64 who are uninsured or underinsured to detect early cancer and pre-cancers of the breast and cervix. Early detection is key. This program can help lower the rate of developing breast and/or cervical cancer.
By making simple diet and lifestyle changes, you may reduce your risk for cancer recurrence as well as your risk for other chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. – Learn more about Nutrition
Check out some resourceful links below to learn more about the recommended screenings and prevention tips that are right for you!
American Cancer Society
National Cancer Institute