Enrollment Sites
Do you know which benefits are right for you? ALEX does.
ALEX is a completely confidential platform that helps you select the best benefit plan by asking a few questions about your unique health and family needs, risk tolerance, financial circumstances, and lifestyle to provide more personalized benefits recommendations. Sort of like talking to a good friend who knows all about your benefits, except you don’t have to buy them a cup of coffee.
Before you enroll, take 10 minutes and let ALEX walk you through your options. You can access it at work or at home on any computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Viewing Your Health Benefits
Now that you’ve enrolled in health benefits, create your Luminare Health account and choose the PLAN PARTICIPANT option. For support, email peopleservicesdesk@sgmc.org
Viewing Allstate Benefits
To view your Allstate Benefits go to https://awd.benselect.com/enroll
Status Change or Other Qualifying Life Event
If you have had a change in job status from a non-benefitted position to a benefit-eligible position or if you experience any of the following life events you are eligible to make changes to your coverage outside of the standard open enrollment window.
These events include:
- Marriage, Divorce, or Legal Separation
- Birth or adoption of a child
- Child reaches age limit (26)
- Change in spousal employment status
- Loss or Gain of other coverage for Dependent
If you have had one of these qualifying events, you can declare your event in the MyADP portal at www.myadp.com and make any necessary changes. Alternatively, you may contact the Benefits office in HR with the necessary documentation to declare your event. Please keep in mind that you have 30 days to make changes to your pre-tax insurance elections following a qualifying life event.
Evidence of Insurability
When your benefit amount for life insurance exceeds $100,000 or if you elect spouse coverage of $50,000, you are required to fill out an Evidence of Insurability (EOI). Please obtain the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form in the Forms & Documents section of the SGMC Health Benefits Portal and submit to Metlife.
My SGMC Health Benefits offers a depository of forms for your convenience. Click here for the one that fits your needs.
Need Help?
For assistance with Benefits, view the list of available contacts.