South Georgia Medical Center and the American Heart Association held a recognition lunch for local elementary school physical education teachers to thank them for their efforts in this year’s Jump Rope for Heart campaign. According to AHA Vice President of the Youth Market Kimberly Dixon, the combined Lowndes County and Valdosta City elementary schools raised in excess of $55,000. That money could potentially fund two $25,000 research grants.
As this year’s corporate sponsor, SGMC hosted a lunch to thank the PE teachers who volunteer to spearhead the JRFH programs at their schools. SGMC presented Westside Elementary with $1,500 for raising the most money. Then randomly selected four other elementary schools to receive a $250 donation, which were: WG Nunn, JL Lomax, Pine Grove and Lake Park. SGMC Chief Operating Officer David Schott applauded the commitment and achievement of the JRFH volunteers.
“Instilling healthy habits early in a child’s life is critical to maintaining and supporting a healthy lifestyle in the future,” said Schott. “SGMC is honored to partner with the American Heart Association and our local elementary schools to make this happen.” JRFH is a national education and fundraising event that promotes heart healthy habits and being physically active.