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Kohl’s and SGMC Fund Health Promotion for Local Children

Posted on: October 3rd, 2012


Kohl’s Department Store, through the Kohl’s Cares® cause merchandise program, has given over $164,000 to the SGMC Foundation in the past six years to promote children’s health and wellness in our community. Through this partnership between Kohl’s and SGMC, a program called Connecting Kids was developed to address children’s health and wellness issues such as good nutrition and physical fitness. This year Connecting Kids provided funding in the amount of $6,000 each to the YMCA’s Food and Fun program and to the Boys and Girls Club’s Triple Play wellness program.

In addition, the program sponsored events such as the Bike Smart bike safety rodeo and a summer safety media blitz.“Kohl’s has been a great supporter of children’s hospitals and children’s health across the country. We are very fortunate to have such a generous partner here in Valdosta,” said Elizabeth Vickers, South Georgia Medical Center’s Foundation Director.

“Last year the contribution from Kohl’s purchased physical education equipment for local public and private schools. This year we are reaching out to summer and after-school programs to help teach kids about healthy lifestyles.” Kohl’s commitment to Connecting Kids is made possible through the Kohl’s Cares® cause merchandise program.

Through this initiative, Kohl’s sells $5 books and plush toys with 100 percent of net profit benefiting children’s health and education programs nationwide, including hospital partnerships like this one.

Kohl’s has raised more than $208 million dollars through this merchandise program. In addition, Kohl’s Cares features a scholarship program, which recognizes young volunteers with scholarships and prizes of over $420,000; the Associates in Action program, which encourages associate volunteerism and which has provided more than $47 million to nonprofit organizations; and fundraising gift cards for schools and youth-serving organizations. For more information, visit