SGMC Lanier Campus Administrator Jan Myers, Mike Unwin, EMT, Cheryl Unwin, LPN, Theresa Gloster, RN, Ashley Cason, RN and SGMC Lakeland Villa Administrator Geoff Hardy Lakeland, GA—It was business as usual at the SGMC Lanier Campus, until one employee went into cardiac arrest prompting fellow employees to save her life. Cheryl Unwin, LPN at the SGMC Lakeland Villa, noticed her co-worker slump over at her desk. She immediately went over, did an assessment, and called for help. CPR was initiated and 911 was contacted. EMT Mike Unwin was on-site to pick up a patient for a non-emergency transport when he heard the call. Mike arrived on scene and joined Cheryl in performing CPR. Assistant Director of Nursing Theresa Gloster, RN, and Ashley Cason, RN, overheard the commotion and stepped in to help. Paramedic Troy Humbers and EMT Mark Sutton arrived and provided the first defibrillation shock within four minutes. The employee regained consciousness and began to make jokes as she entered the ambulance. “I am beyond proud of our team,” said Geoff Hardy, Administrator of SGMC Lakeland Villa, who witnessed the event. According to Geoff, although these employees work in the medical field, they are not accustomed to emergency events. “The way they remained calm and competent to assist someone they knew was amazing. They were definitely at the right place at the right time,” said Geoff. The patient was transported to South Georgia Medical Center where she received follow-up care. She is expected to return to work next week. The SGMC Lakeland Villa employees were honored at the May meeting of the Hospital Authority of Valdosta Lowndes County, GA as Hospital Heroes.