SGMC's Auxiliary is hosting a uniform, scrub and work gear sale. Support the Auxiliary who in turn supports SGMC! Payroll deduction available for eligible employees.
Batter up! Join us for SGMC Night with the Miracle League of Valdosta. The Miracle League is a non-profit organization where children and adults with disabilities play organized sports. Each athlete is paired with volunteer “buddies” who assist them in batting, catching, throwing, and running. We are looking for approximately 40 volunteers to participate in […]
SGMC’s Auxiliary is hosting a uniform, scrub and work gear sale. Support the Auxiliary who in turn supports SGMC! Payroll deduction available for eligible employees.
Wild Adventures representatives will be onsite at main campus for the Spring Season Pass Sale. See details below. If you can't make it to the sale, complete the Payroll Deduction Agreement and submit to
Designed to prepare expectant parents for the birth of their baby.Topics include: Breathing and relaxation techniques, What to expect during the labor and delivery process, The stages of labor, How to take care of yourself after delivery, Benefits, risks and complications of labor epidurals.Caring for a new baby, especially for first-time mothers, can be overwhelming. […]
Designed for mothers interested in breastfeeding. Caring for a new baby, especially for first-time mothers, can be overwhelming. Not only is your body going through physical changes, but also you will experience emotional changes. Preparation and education are key to having a successful, happy pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum period. SGMC provides educational classes for expectant […]
Never fight alone. Join SGMC and the Pearlman Cancer Center for a free survivorship support group. Cancer survivors face a unique set of challenges - and yet everyone's journey is different. If you are a patient with cancer, or you are caring for someone with cancer, talking with others in a similar situation can be […]
South Georgia Medical Center's Lanier Campus, in partnership with the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Lanier County Sheriff's Department, is hosting a National Prescription Drug Take Back event on Saturday, April 22, from 10am-2pm. The event will be held at SGMC Lanier Campus at 116 W Thigpen Ave in Lakeland, and the community is […]
The SGMC Auxiliary is hosting a fundraiser with new vendor Adorn! Adorn specializes in a wide variety of affordable jewelry and accessories! Please see attached flyer. Come shop and support the Auxiliary who in turns supports SGMC! Payroll deduction available for eligible employees. Thank you!
Community members: inquire with us here about speaking at your event.
Employees: share your event information with our Experience Coordinator here to include on the calendar. Please include the event name, date/time, description, and any images or flyers associated with the event.