Our Main Campus is Expanding: Review Wayfinding Updates Before Your Visit
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Move Together

Move Together

Let's get some fresh air and go for a 15-minute walk. Main and Lanier Campus meet in their respective main lobby with your walking guide. Smith Northview and Berrien campuses […]

National Donate Life Blue & Green Day

SGMC Health Main Campus Entrance (Flag Pole) 2501 N Patterson St, Valdosta

SGMC Health employees are invited to meet at their respective hospital campus's flagpole at 12:00pm on April 12th for a prayer. National Donate Life Blue & Green Day is part of […]

Community members: inquire with us here about speaking at your event.


Employees: share your event information with our Experience Coordinator here to include on the calendar. Please include the event name, date/time, description, and any images or flyers associated with the event.