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Hospital Week: “Peer Appreciation”

SGMC – All Locations Georgia

Do you have someone you look up to? Do one of your coworkers shine even on a rainy day? Has someone in your department achieved something big? Give them the […]

Hospital Week: “Scavenger Hunt Kick-Off”

SGMC – All Locations Georgia

It's baaack! Find the items on the Scavenger Hunt list below. Be entered for a prize and have fun! Beginning May 7, upload your found images here

Hospital Week: “Wait-let me take a selfie”

SGMC – All Locations Georgia

Let's kick off hospital week right with a photo. Find the hospital week backdrop or sign at your SGMC location and take a selfie with your coworkers and leaders. Share […]

Community members: inquire with us here about speaking at your event.


Employees: share your event information with our Experience Coordinator here to include on the calendar. Please include the event name, date/time, description, and any images or flyers associated with the event.