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Hospital Week: “Peer Appreciation”

SGMC – All Locations Georgia

Do you have someone you look up to? Do one of your coworkers shine even on a rainy day? Has someone in your department achieved something big? Give them the […]

Hospital Week: “Scavenger Hunt Kick-Off”

SGMC – All Locations Georgia

It's baaack! Find the items on the Scavenger Hunt list below. Be entered for a prize and have fun! Beginning May 7, upload your found images here

Hospital Week: “Wait-let me take a selfie”

SGMC – All Locations Georgia

Let's kick off hospital week right with a photo. Find the hospital week backdrop or sign at your SGMC location and take a selfie with your coworkers and leaders. Share […]


Nurses Week

SGMC - B-Level Classrooms 2501 North Patterson Street, Valdosta

Join us as we celebrate National Nurses Week and recognize the hard work and dedication that our nurses put into caring for our patients each and every day.

Hospital Week: “Monday Morning Brew”

Whether you are on your way in or on your way out, grab a hot cup of coffee at the self-serve coffee bar. Main Campus: Cafeteria Berrien: Staff Room (Behind […]

Community members: inquire with us here about speaking at your event.


Employees: share your event information with our Experience Coordinator here to include on the calendar. Please include the event name, date/time, description, and any images or flyers associated with the event.