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Cox Named SGMC’s Chief Nursing Officer

Posted on: July 10th, 2017


Denida A. Cox, BSN, RN has been named Chief Nursing Officer for South Georgia Medical Center and its affiliates. Cox comes to Valdosta from Little Rock, Arkansas where she served as the director of perioperative services at the 615-bed not-for-profit community hospital, CHI St. Vincent Infirmary.

With over 15 years of nursing leadership experience, Cox is excited to begin her role as SGMC’s CNO. She plans to focus on maximizing the patient care experience while ensuring that clinical staff has the training and tools to do their jobs well. Cox also plans to proactively engage with physicians and include them in decision making. In her career, Cox has worked as a bedside nurse, director of surgical services, management consultant and chief nursing officer at Shoals Hospital in Muscle Shoals, AL.

As CNO, Cox was responsible for day-to-day clinical performance and patient satisfaction in the 185 bed, for-profit acute care hospital. SGMC CEO Ross Berry said, “Denida brings a wealth of experience to this role. She will be instrumental in helping us plan, prioritize, and direct clinical performance to make SGMC the leading health system in our region.”SGMC employs 1,200 individuals in its nursing division.