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2018 Hospital Week “I’m In” Spotlights

Posted on: May 7th, 2018


It’s Hospital Week! With the launch of SGMC’s internal campaign- I’m In, we asked employees to share why they are committed to SGMC. Each day this week we will spotlight one of the Top 5 entries!

FRIDAY: Tonisa Spann, CICU
“When I first started working for South GA Medical Center in 2016, I was hired to work on the Cardiac Progressive Unit and that’s where ‘I’m in’ started for me.

I had never worked for a hospital before so this was all just so new to me. I got properly informed during my orientation and everybody was just so kind to me. I’d never known for so many people to be so courteous to another human being before. Days went by, I transitioned from day shift to the night shift and I came to the conclusion that I was all the way in then. I enjoyed the patients whenever they came to our floor.

We always had great teamwork trying to fulfill whatever our patients asked for and I always picked up extra shifts whenever it was available. As I started coming to work more often and learning about everything, I wanted to transfer to the next floor, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, so I could better myself in the work field. Doing so I enrolled myself in school because the nurses in the Heart tower are so educational and positive; it made me want to try and pursue a career in the nursing field.

I’m in! because I love working with this company overall; I’ve witnessed great leadership in every department that I’ve floated to. Every time I ask a question there’s somebody always willing to teach me and overall the patients make my night go by fast. Nobody wants to come to the hospital for long periods of time and when I work with my patients I try my hardest to help them remember it’s not the end of the world and I always get great feedback.”

THURSDAY: Geraldine Brown, Pharmacy” I am in!

I’m in because you never realize how important patient care is until it’s your own family member. It’s been one year since my 4 year old grandson passed away. I happened to be in the room while they fought so hard to save his life. They weren’t even aware I was in the room as their main goal was their little patient. It was God’s will to take him to heaven that morning. I want to return the kindness. I was so proud of my co-workers! What team work!

Work ethic is a skill that is taught, character is what you do when no one is watching you. That’s what, I’m in, means to me. It is an honor to be a part of this great organization, always changing to improve patient care. We are always a work in progress.”

WEDNESDAY: Julie Blodgett, Patient Financial Services

“I’m in because this is my hospital and my community. I was born at South Georgia Medical Center and this is my home. I joined the hospital in January 2017 and have been welcomed with open arms. Connecting with so many great people across the hospital has been energizing. I love seeing the passion in regards to patient care.

It’s important to me that we rebuild relationships with our community and that our reputation continues to grow in a positive direction. There are so many good people here. There is excellent care being provided and many more things that you often don’t hear about. Since I have started working here, I have had people in the community reach out to me personally for assistance. There have been a variety of reasons and across different areas of the hospital.

I have enjoyed being able to help them and give them a personal touch. While it is never fun to hear that we did not do something as well as we should have, it opens the door for process improvement, which is key to moving forward in a positive manner. I’m in because I want to make a difference. I want to improve the reputation and the relationships we have in our community. I want to see positive stories in social media about my hospital. When anyone in our area thinks of the best hospital around, I want their first thought to be SGMC.

I’m committed to doing my part (and then some) to make us the best we can be.”

TUESDAY: Chelsea Whant, Hospice of South

“’I’m in’ because I love coming to work every day and making a difference in the lives of so many special people in need of medical care, emotional support, and love during the most difficult time of their lives. ‘I’m in’ because I get to leave work every day knowing that I made a difference to somebody who truly needed it. ‘I’m in’ because every hug or smile given to a patient or family can brighten up their day.

I’m in’ because some days it is the other way around and my patients lift my spirits and make me thankful for what I have. ‘I’m in’ because I look forward to work because my job matters. Hospice of South Georgia cares for people. SGMC cares for people – we are a special kind of health care in that we heal not only physically but also spiritually and emotionally. It is so wonderful to be a part of this family that takes care of so many other families who need and deserve the special kind of love only SGMC can give!”

MONDAY: Dina Hastings, Medical Imaging

I’m in’ because I love coming to work every day and making a difference in the lives of so many special people in need of medical care, emotional support, and love during the most difficult time of their lives. ‘I’m in’ because I get to leave work every day knowing that I made a difference to somebody who truly needed it. ‘I’m in’ because every hug or smile given to a patient or family can brighten up their day.

‘I’m in’ because some days it is the other way around and my patients lift my spirits and make me thankful for what I have. ‘I’m in’ because I look forward to work because my job matters. Hospice of South Georgia cares for people. SGMC cares for people – we are a special kind of health care in that we heal not only physically but also spiritually and emotionally. It is so wonderful to be a part of this family that takes care of so many other families who need and deserve the special kind of love only SGMC can give!”