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Beginner Yoga

Beginner Yoga

Pearlman Cancer Center Lobby Pendleton Drive on Main Campus, Valdosta

Open to both beginners and experienced yogis, participants will be guided through a sequence of poses with a slow build to a yoga flow sequence. This activity promotes stress relief and energy restoration. Join us for this 20-minute session led by Wellness Coordinator Felicia Yarbrough, RN. Dress accordingly and bring your mat!

Beginner Yoga

Beginner Yoga

Pearlman Cancer Center Lobby Pendleton Drive on Main Campus, Valdosta

Open to both beginners and experienced yogis, participants will be guided through a sequence of poses with a slow build to a yoga flow sequence. This activity promotes stress relief and energy restoration. Join us for this 20-minute session led by Wellness Coordinator Felicia Yarbrough, RN. Dress accordingly and bring your mat!

Beginner Yoga

Beginner Yoga

Pearlman Cancer Center Lobby Pendleton Drive on Main Campus, Valdosta

Open to both beginners and experienced yogis, participants will be guided through a sequence of poses with a slow build to a yoga flow sequence. This activity promotes stress relief and energy restoration. Join us for this 20-minute session led by Wellness Coordinator Felicia Yarbrough, RN. Dress accordingly and bring your mat!

Walking Through Grief

Hospice Administrative Building 2263 Pineview Drive, Valdosta, GA, United States

Walking Through Grief is a 9-week support group series for people grieving the death of someone close.

Walking Through Grief

Hospice Administrative Building 2263 Pineview Drive, Valdosta, GA, United States

Walking Through Grief is a 9-week support group series for people grieving the death of someone close.

Walking Through Grief

Hospice Administrative Building 2263 Pineview Drive, Valdosta, GA, United States

Walking Through Grief is a 9-week support group series for people grieving the death of someone close.

Walking Through Grief

Hospice Administrative Building 2263 Pineview Drive, Valdosta, GA, United States

Walking Through Grief is a 9-week support group series for people grieving the death of someone close.

Walking Through Grief

Hospice Administrative Building 2263 Pineview Drive, Valdosta, GA, United States

Walking Through Grief is a 9-week support group series for people grieving the death of someone close.

Walking Through Grief

Hospice Administrative Building 2263 Pineview Drive, Valdosta, GA, United States

Walking Through Grief is a 9-week support group series for people grieving the death of someone close.

Walking Through Grief

Hospice Administrative Building 2263 Pineview Drive, Valdosta, GA, United States

Walking Through Grief is a 9-week support group series for people grieving the death of someone close.

Community members: inquire with us here about speaking at your event.


Employees: share your event information with our Experience Coordinator here to include on the calendar. Please include the event name, date/time, description, and any images or flyers associated with the event.